command in any channel. A new private thread will be started between you and Swappy to guide you towards a swap.
You can reach the team on Discord with discord.gg/wwzZ7a7aQn as invite link.
No, we do not store any Discord information. You are given a reference number which can be used for support and is the only information we have.
Swappy is not liable for user error. It is up to the user to follow instructions correctly. Possibly user mistakes: If a deposit address is copied incorrectly, the wrong funds are sent to a deposit address, the wrong amount is sent, or other users errors.
No, you do not need to connect your wallet to Swappy. No assets are touched by Swappy, we only facilitate the creation of a swap on Chainflip.
The duration of a swap depends on the chains involved in the swap. Transactions used for a swap happen on-chain towards and from Chainflip.
After you have finished your conversation with Swappy, you will be given a link to the official Chainflip website where you can follow up your swap.
This Discord bot is offered as an unofficial open-source tool (github.com/cumpsd/swappy) to perform non-custodial swaps over the Chainflip Protocol.
The Broker it uses is operated independently of Chainflip Labs GmbH and it's associates, but instead by David Cumps, 'Developer', with the on-chain address of 0x6860efbced83aed83a483edd416a19ea45d88441.
Versions of this bot may exist using modified code or other Broker services by other parties without the knowledge or explicit consent of the Developer.
The Developer takes absolutely no responsibility for any losses incurred while using this service, it's code, or any tool, Discord server, or version of this bot. Users are encouraged to check that the Broker account using this bot or a version of its code is trustworthy, and before sending any swap funds, to verify the state of any deposit channel created for you using third-party block explorers.
By using this service, you acknowledge and agree that any and all losses incurred by you through this bot are your own responsibility.